Subject heading

No. of records
sabre 11
sacral ethnology 4
sacred architecture 37
sacred art 82
sacred/holy places 3
saddle 28
saddle blanket 6
sailboat 12
saint 63
saints 660
salon 9
salt crystallization 1
salt damage 5
Samizdat 2
samovar 1
Samoyedic 1
sample book 148
sample catalogue 8
sample, model 15
sample sheets 376
sample/model collection 22
Samurai 5
sanctuary 24
sanitary 3
Sanskrit 3
sarcophagus 18
Sardinian 1
sari 2
Sarmatian 8
Sassanid 10
Sassanid art 7
satellite 2
satire 14
satirical drawing 18
satyr 2
sauna 1
savonnerie carpet 1
Saxon 17
scaffolding 2
scagliola technique 8
Scandinavian 31
scanner 4
scene painting 5
scenography 140
scenography, stage and costume design 258
sceptre 12
schizophrenia 1
scholarship 39
scholasticism 8
school 170
school building 21
school drama 9
school equipment 14
school history 55
school of industrial design 3
school system 11
schools of architecture 2
science 204
science of deciphering ancient documents 3
science of religion(s) 4
scientific 10
scientific illustration 7
scientific journal 1
scientist, scholar 32
scientometrics 1
sci-fi 1
sci-fi literature 15
scissors 3
score / sheet music 81
scorpions 1
Scottish 43
scrap book / keepsake album 63
screen 11
screen / (lamp-) shade / (lens) hood 1
script / screenplay 25
script writing / screen(play) writing 2
scuba diving 4
sculptor 232
sculpture 8031
sculpture fragments 6
sculpture materials 12
sculpture, statue 419
sculpture technique 44
sculpture tools 6
sculptured ornament / sculptural decoration 130
sculptures 13
Scythian 24
Scythian art 4
Scythian culture 2
Scythians 2
sea 49
seal 12
seascape 23
seashore, beach, coast 25
secco techniques 7
secondary education 127
secret service 1
secret societies 5
sects 1
security technology 3
self-awareness 22
self-consciousness 3
self-portrait 209
self-taught 18
semantics 6
seminar paper 1
semiotics 52
semi-precious stone 3
Semitic languages 1
sense of smell 2
sensualism 1
sensualist expressionism 2
sentence strip 1
sentimentalism 4
separation, partition 2
sepia drawing 7
sepia-toned photo 1
sepulchral chapel, tomb-chapel 7
seraglio 2
Serbian 175
Serbo-Croatian 1
servicing, installation, assembly, fixing 1
set / décor / scene(ry) 112
setting, type 2
settlement 44
settlement system 3
sewing, needlework, stitch 32
sexuality 77
sgrafitto 13
sgrafitto technique 5
sgrafitto techniques 8
shadow 64
shadow play 13
shadowing 8
shaft (of the column) 3
shako, kepi 3
shaman 13
shamanism 44
shark 1
sheep 8
sheepskin waste coat 4
sheet 1
sheet sculpture 1
shell 8
shell curve 1
shell fossils 1
shell ornament 1
shepherd 1
shepherding 3
shepherd's hook, crozier 3
Sheraton furniture 3
shield 15
shield (with coat of arms) / crest 15
Shintoism 3
ship / boat 58
shipbuilding 3
shipping / sailing / navigation 25
shirt 1
shoe 46
shoe, footwear 20
shoe leather 2
(shoe) sole 2
(shoe) upper 3
shoemaking 4
shopping centre 2
(shopping) mall 5
shop/store premises 25
short film 1
short stories 7
short stories / tales 37
short story 75
short story / tale 43
shorthand (writing) / stenography / speed writing 2
shout 1
shovel 1
showmen 4
shrine 33
shrub 5
shrubs 1
Siberian 4
Sicilian 5
siege of a castle/fortress 1
Siena School 13
Sienese 2
sigillography 17
signal / sign 74
signature 53
silent film 5
silicate techniques 6
silk 24
silk cloth 5
silk painting 5
silk screen print 20
silk screen printing 21
silk screen prints 8
silver 49
silver pencil drawing 2
silvering / (silver) plating / 2
silverwork / silver craft 34
Singhalese 2
sins 12
siren 3
site-specific 29
Situla culture 1
Skagen School 1
skeleton 23
sketch 14
sketch of a sculpture 2
sketches 5
skin / leather 89
skull 17
skylight 3
skyscraper 12
slate 2
Slavic 17
sleigh, sledge 5
slide 14
slip 1
Slovak 595
Slovakian 45
Slovenian 63
small box, chest 3
small graphics 21
small sculpture 434
small town 1
smith 1
smoking 6
snakes 8
snapshot 4
snow 2
snow flake 2
snuffers / wick trimmer 1
soap 5
social contact 5
social design 3
social geography 6
social groups 26
social history 64
social life 7
social organization 7
social philosophy 19
social psychology 18
social science 75
social sciences 3
social theory 12
socialism 118
socialist realism 171
society 370
society / association / union 12
sociography 65
sociology 209
sociology of art 94
sociology of education 7
sociology of reading 7
sociology of religion(s) 1
sociometry 5
sociophoto 29
sociopolitics 6
sociopsychology 70
sofa 7
sofa / couch / settee 3
Sogdian 2
soil 3
solar eclipse 5
solar energy 2
solar system 16
solarisation 3
soldier 55
soldier/military uniform 46
solid geometry 9
solid geometry, stereography 4
solvents 19
song 49
songbook / book of songs / hymn book 16
sophism 3
soul 18
sound effects 4
Sound poetry 2
sound technology / sound engineering 7
soup bowl 2
soutache 1
South African 10
South American 144
South Korean 10
South Slav 11
Southeast Asian 9
souvenir / keepsake / remembrance 13
Soviet 542
Soviet Republic 18
space 166
space analysis 1
space images 6
space installation 73
space research 21
space technology 7
space telescope 2
spacecraft 8
spaceology 1
spandrel 1
Spanish 761
Spartan 1
spatial arrangement 29
spatial art 6
spatial dynamics 1
spatial graphics 1
spatial perception 4
spatial representation 71
spatula technique 7
speaker, orator 2
spear 14
special collection 4
special education (of handicapped children / children with a learning disability/disorder) 9
special forces 1
specialized drawing 21
specialized training 28
(specialized/technical) literature 35
spectrophotometry 1
speech, oration, address, sermon 1
speech / speaking / talk 61
sphinx 4
spiders 3
spinning wheel 3
spiral 8
spiral minaret 1
spiral/winding staircase 1
spiritism 3
spiritualism 15
sport facilities 5
sport photo(graph) 41
sporting weapon 1
sports arena/stadium/hall 3
sports equipment 2
sports races, matches, sports contests 7
spray paint gun 3
spurs 4
spying / espionage / intelligence work 4
stability 1
stacidia 19
stadium 10
stage 100
stage design 47
stage design / scenography 210
stage designer / scenographer 25
stage directing 25
stage lighting 21
stage machinery 5
stags 4
stained glass 4
staircase 3
stairs, steps 45
stairwell 36
stalactite cave 1
Stalinism 10
stall 1
stamp 37
stamp design 20
stamp, seal 47
stand / scaffold / easel 3
standard 10
star 9
starch 1
state 25
state bed 8
state law 4
state/public administration 4
statics 4
station 3
stationary 9
statistics 51
statue park 18
steel engraving 5
steel plate 6
steel structure 7
stele 13
stellar/lierne vault 4
stencil printing 2
steppe 5
stereo camera 3
stereo photo(graph) 6
stereo photography 9
stereo viewer 3
stereoscope 21
stereoscopic effect, spatial effect, spatiality 2
stereoscopic images 7
sticker 3
still life 649
stock market 5
(stock) phrases, idiomatic expressions 14
stocking / hose / pantyhose / hosiery 2
stoicism 5
stone 124
Stone Age 16
stone building structures 7
stone carvers/masons/cutters 4
stone carving/masonry/cutting 85
stone carving/masonry/cutting sites 9
stone carving/masonry/cutting studios 5
stone cleaning 6
stone conservation 13
stone crest 2
stone cross 2
stone floor 2
stone mosaic 7
(stone) quarry 7
stone sculpture 75
stone tool/implement 1
stoneware 5
stonework 3
stool 4
story 143
story (of) 5125
storyboard 2
storybook 20
stove, cooker 9
strategic planning 4
strategy 11
street 41
street advertisement 5
street art 56
street entertainment/recreation 2
street furniture 6
street musicians 2
street name 4
street photo(graph) 43
street scene 44
street sign 9
stretcher 3
string 1
string, twine, cord 2
striptease bar 1
stroboscopic images 1
stroke-engraving / chasing / metal chasing 1
structural analysis 5
structuralism 26
structure, construction 45
stucco 53
stucco, imitation marble 7
stucco technique 7
student revolt 1
studies 2754
studio 137
studio photo(graph) 7
studio, workshop 42
studios, workshops 11
study 1370
study circle 5
study of antiquity, classical studies 3
study of form 31
study of styles 24
study (sketch) 221
study trip 7
stupa 12
Sturm 3
Sturm and Drang 3
style 95
style design 3
style studies 2
stylistics 10
stylized 9
stylobate, column footing 4
subculture 11
subject index 10
substractive colour process 6
success / effectiveness / predominance 2
sugar manufacture 3
Sumerian 22
Sumerian (people) 1
sun 32
sun symbol 2
Sunday school / religious studies / theology 4
sundial 12
Sung-Yuan Dynasty 1
sunk relief 2
sunset 1
superstition 13
supplement 20
(supply with coat of) wash 2
suprematism 27
surface protection 25
Surinamese 2
surnaturalism 5
surrealism 357
swastika 5
Swedish 107
swim bladder 1
swineherd 1
Swiss 493
sword 46
symbol 305
symbolism 163
symbols 78
symmetry 25
symposium 56
synagogue 65
synonym 6
syntax 1
Syrian 17
Syryenian, Zyrian 1
system of writing 8
system theory 5
systematic art 12
systematism 1
Székely gate 18
Szentendre Art Colony 13
Szentendre School 12
Szilaspogony Art Colony 1