Subject heading

No. of records
tabernacle, sacrament house 18
table 62
table, graph 14
tableau vivant 5
tablecloth 15
taboo 4
tactilism 1
Taiwanese 7
Tajik 5
talbotype 8
tale, story 282
talent 20
talisman 1
talking machine 2
tangible memories 34
Tansanian 1
tantrism 1
Taoism 13
tapestry / wall carpet / wall hanging 83
tarot (cards) 2
taste 9
Tatar 5
tattoo(ing) 18
tax 2
taxonomy 16
tea set/service 3
teacher 26
teacher training 7
teacher's manual 25
teaching 92
teaching a language 16
teaching a language, language education 8
teaching drawing 49
technical 5
technical drawing 22
technical information 5
technical motifs 1
technical procedures 335
technical structure 2
technical/trade dictionary 10
technique 455
technoculture 3
technology 53
technology, technique 178
tectonics 5
telegraphy 1
telephone 8
telephotography 1
television 70
tempera painting 23
template, mould, model, stencil 2
temporary exhibition 663
tender, competition 114
tenders, competitions 8
Teotihuacan culture 2
terminology 10
terrace 4
terracotta 34
test 6
text 83
text theory 3
textbook 574
textbook (of a language) /language book 346
textile 439
textile art 971
textile design 25
textile industry 26
textile making 7
textile painting/dyeing 23
textile pattern 56
textile sculpture 14
textile weaving 8
textual criticism, hermeneutics 3
Thai 11
thaumatrope 1
the blind 11
the Dominicans 3
the Doric order 2
The Eight 75
(the Great) October Socialist Revolution 2
the history of majolica 1
the homeless 4
the Huns 7
the Hussites 1
the intellectuals / the intelligentsia / the intellectual class 19
the middle classes 26
theatre 617
theatre building 29
theatre management 3
theatre photo(graph) 19
(theatre) stage technology 28
theatre technology 19
theatrical mask 2
Themistocles 1
theology 44
theory of architecture 151
theory of education 9
theory of photography 21
theory of proportions 16
theory of relativity 3
theory of religion(s) 7
theory of science 6
theory of visual perception 15
thermohygrometric 1
thermovision 1
thesaurus 11
thesis 4152
thimble 1
thinking 36
Tholos 1
Thomism 2
Thonet furniture 2
thoughts 11
Thracian 2
thread painting 3
throwing a pot / working the potter's wheel 3
thyme 1
Tibetan 25
Tibetan art 3
Tibetan culture 10
tie 7
tigre 4
tile 29
tile painting 1
timber joints 3
timber/wood architecture 52
time 82
time dynamics 1
tin 8
tin craft 11
title page engraving 2
title page/ title sheet / cover page/cover sheet / front page 22
to be on a first name basis, to be on familiar terms with somebody 2
toga 1
Toltec art 6
tomb 243
tomb, grave 59
Tomb of the Medicis 1
tondo 2
tone 5
tool 20
tool, implement, instrument, gear, utensil 37
tools 153
tools, implements, instruments, gears, utensils 27
topographical 1
topographical painting 1
topography 36
topology 1
Torah cabinet 2
torture 3
torture devices 6
totalitarianism 6
totemism 6
touch(ing), feel(ing), palpation 2
tourism 40
tourist map 1
tournament 6
tower 63
town hall 50
toy collection 11
toy / game 204
toy / plaything 7
toy/game design 26
tracery 5
trade catalogue 6
trade / commerce 77
trade fair 2
trade sign 23
trade sign / name board 5
trade/commercial catalogue 14
trade/commercial establishment 2
trademark 57
tradition 48
traditional folk attire/costumes 182
traditional Hungarian wooden pot with long handle 1
(traditional) Matyó attire/costume 2
traditionalism 2
traffic / transport 78
tragedy 17
train 8
transavantgarde 18
transcendence 9
transcendental phenomenology 1
transmission tower 1
transparency 8
transparent mosaic 7
transplantation 5
transport establishment 4
Transylvanian 899
Transylvanian carpets 1
travel book, travelogue 79
travel guide 736
travel information 1
travel(ling) 127
travelling records, itinerary, travelogue 260
tray 6
treasure find of Nagyszentmiklós 2
treasure trove 8
treasury 29
tree of life 14
trefoil arch 1
tressure 2
tribal art 62
trichromy 1
triennial 30
triforum 3
trigonometry 4
trimming, braid 2
trimming embroidery 2
triptych 16
triumph / victory 1
triumphal arch 13
triumphal arch / ornamental gate 1
triumphal car/chariot 4
triumphal column 2
Trojan 3
trophy 2
trousseau 1
trousseau chest 4
truth 6
Tudor style 1
tunnel 3
Turanic peoples 7
Turkic culture 4
Turkish 146
Turkish battles 5
Turkish carpets 1
Turkmen 10
turn of the century 60
turning / turnery / surfacing 7
turntable / potter's wheel 3
turtles 3
Turul 3
tüchlein painting 3
türbe (Turkish tomb) 10
TV commercial 5
TV design 4
two-dimensional representations/depictions 1
tympanum 5
type casting 5
types of (traditional) Transylvanian attire 1
types of writing 11
typewriter 2
typographic ornaments 4
typographical frame(work) 6
typographical ornaments 9
typography 338
typology 8